礦坑系列 ── Indirect through null pointer
礦坑系列 ── Indirect through null pointer


事情起於 jserv 的講義裡面有個 &((data*)0)->c)
這樣的操作,作用是求 c
在 data
這個 struct 中的偏移量,但那個 0
實在是讓我覺得很不順眼,為了確定他到底是不是 UB,我翻了一個多禮拜的 standard 與 committee paper,甚至翻了 CWG issue 和 Standard Defect Report,才總算是有個結果 (翻到快吐了)
雖然問題本身莫名其妙變得很複雜,但其實結論很簡單:因為 standard 沒有要求,所以是 UB
不過在翻的過程,找到了一些有趣的討論,所以這邊就記錄一下為何 &((data*)0)->c)
是 UB,與為何 Indirect through null pointer 會有是不是 UB 的疑慮
註:本文將以 n4861(C++20) 內的定義為主
註2:本文討論的內容都假設 class type 為 standard layout type,非 standard layout type 不在本文討論範圍內,相關內容詳見 offsetof
Implicit Undefined Behavior?
Implicit Undefined Behavior 是口語的說法,不是標準內的用語,其表達的意義就如前言所說:
standard 沒有要求的東西歸為 UB
C 和 C++ 都有於 standard 內列下這個規則,下面是 C 與 C++ 對於 undefined behavior 的定義:
c17#3.4.3.p1: behavior, upon use of a nonportable or erroneous program construct or of erroneous data, for which this International Standard imposes no requirements
n4861(defns.undefined):behavior for which this document imposes no requirements
也就是說,如果我們要說一個 behavior 是 UB,那麼推導的過程是:
- 找出該 behavior 在標準內的定義,若其有在標準內被定義為 well-defined、undefined、unspecified 或 implementation-defined behavior,那它就屬於標準內定義的那類
- 否則,其為 undefined behavior
一般來說會使用第一點,畢竟 C++ 明確定義的東西很多,不過這次使用的是第二點
某種程度上這類 UB 屬於 open issue,很多的 issue 都圍繞這類行為在做討論
另外,在實作上,*”Technically UB but it’ll always do what you expect”* 的狀況也是有的
對於 &((T*)NULL)->member
這個行為,重點在於中間的 ((T*)NULL)->member
要推出這段 code 是 UB,常見的說法有三個路徑:
- pointer arithmetic 的路徑
- standard 內對於
operator 操作定義的路徑 - 找不到所以 UB (Implicit Undefined Behavior)
看了非常多篇的 stackoverflow,整理出了這三條,都有人用
我們先看看前兩條,試著找出標準內能套用到這個 behavior 上的定義
pointer arithmetic 的路徑
我們先談一下 pointer arithmetic 的 UB 行為,看以下的例子:
1 | int i = 0; |
c17#6.5.6.p7:For the purposes of these operators, a pointer to an object that is not an element of an array behaves the same as a pointer to the first element of an array of length one with the type of the object as its element type.
這裡說的是,在進行 pointer arithmetic 的時候,如果指標指向的東西不是 array 的 member,那麼指標的行為會和「指向長度為 1 的陣列的第一個元素的指標,其元素類型為指向的物件的類型」相同
換句話說,&( ((int*)0) + 1 )
也是 UB
而 ->
在 compiler 的實作上使用了 pointer arithmetic
的操作來完成,然而這並沒有在標準內被 specified,因此以語言面來說,這個理由並不能套用到 ((T*)NULL)->member
但對於實務層面來說,這是一個說明它 invalid 的好原因,至少我個人覺得它比第二個理由好
與 ->
C++ 中有個條款明確定義了 ->
與 *
n4861(expr.ref#2):For the first option (dot) the first expression shall be a glvalue. For the second option (arrow) the first expression shall be a prvalue having pointer type. The expression
is converted to the equivalent form(*(E1)).E2
; the remainder of [expr.ref] will address only the first option (dot).
因此我們可以將 ((T*)NULL)->member
寫成 (*((T*)NULL)).member
再來 *
n4861(expr.unary.op#1):The unary
operator performs indirection: the expression to which it is applied shall be a pointer to an object type, or a pointer to a function type and the result is an lvalue referring to the object or function to which the expression points.
不是 object 也不是 function,所以 *NULL
不在標準要求內,為 UB
但在 C 的標準中並沒有定義 ->
與 *
的等價性,所以這條是只有 C++ 能走的路線
對於 C,前兩個都不通,標準中也沒有特別定義此行為,因此為 Implicit Undefined Behavior
對於 C++,你可以用第二條,如果覺得第二條不該套用在這個情況,那就定義為 Implicit Undefined Behavior
總而言之,雖然 ((T*)NULL)->member
沒有直接在標準中被列為 UB,但一定有條路線是可以推出它是 UB 的,所以此 behavior 為 UB 是確定的,但原因則有許多可能
然而原則上來說我們仍希望 UB 可以被 explicit specified,畢竟像這樣可能有多種原因的例子並不好,可能會有一些衍生的 issue 出現,接下來就看看 C++ 中的例子 CWG issue #232
Indirect through null pointer?
去年 12 月,又有人在 CWG 的 github 發了 issue 問 CWG issue #232 的結果,可見 Indirect through null pointer 為 UB 的原因時至今日都還未被完全解決
個人推測是因為在實務上不是那麼重要,但在 standard 中卻是類似於憲法的存在,所以雖然有 issue,但改起來麻煩,一開始改就會有一大串的東西被牽動,所以才從 2004 年到現在都還沒有個結論
這是 C++ committe 成員在那篇 github issue 留的原文:
I would really welcome the suggested change here. This bit in the standard is a topic of recurring questions, and it always takes unfortunately long to explain that a null pointer does not point to an object, and hence dereferencing it is undefined behavior. We have a similar problem at [expr.ref]/6.2, where we say “the expression designates the corresponding member subobject of the object designated by the first expression”. There we don’t (bother) say(ing) that if no object is designated, we are in the land of UB. That tends to take even longer to explain than the unary operator*. Even if we end up making mere operator* of a null pointer well-defined (See https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/cwg_active.html#232), in all likelihood we’ll still (continue to) require that the LHS of an operator-> must be non-null, and questions about that will continue. Unless we just clarify it, along the lines of what’s been suggested here.
在 stackoverflow 的討論中我看見了一個不錯的例子,實務上是有可能遇到的,所以這邊先貼出來給你思考一下
1 |
這個 class 裡面有一個 static member a
與一個 static member function fun
,在 main
中有一個 pointer d
,型態為 demo*
,值為 nullptr
與 *
前面有提到在 C++ 中 ->
與 *
n4861(expr.ref#2):For the first option (dot) the first expression shall be a glvalue. For the second option (arrow) the first expression shall be a prvalue having pointer type. The expression
is converted to the equivalent form(*(E1)).E2
; the remainder of [expr.ref] will address only the first option (dot)
需要為 glvalueE1->E2
需要為 prvalueE1->E2
所以接下來 d->fun()
我都會將其寫成 (*d).fun()
,因此關鍵的部分在前面的 (*d)
,因為這邊的 d
是個 nullptr
這邊複習一下,expression 通常有兩個特性
- evaluated
可能有 return 值,可能會被丟棄(如棄值表達式 Discarded-value expressions) - side-effect
n4861(expr#pre-1)[ Note: [expr] defines the syntax, order of evaluation, and meaning of expressions. An expression is a sequence of operators and operands that specifies a computation. An expression can result in a value and can cause side effects. — end note ]
好,那我們看一下 ->
n4861(expr.ref#1):A postfix expression followed by a dot . or an arrow ->, optionally followed by the keyword template ([temp.names]), and then followed by an id-expression, is a postfix expression. The postfix expression before the dot or arrow is evaluated; the result of that evaluation, together with the id-expression, determines the result of the entire postfix expression.
的 E1
會被 evaluate,所以 d->fun()
中的 d
會被 evaluated,換句話說,(*d).fun()
中的 *d
會被 evaluated
是 class member access expression,屬於棄值表達式,我們來看一下標準內有關棄值表達式的描述
n4861(stmt.expr#1):The expression is a discarded-value expression. All side effects from an expression statement are completed before the next statement is executed. An expression statement with the expression missing is called a null statement. [ Note: Most statements are expression statements — usually assignments or function calls. A null statement is useful to carry a label just before the } of a compound statement and to supply a null body to an iteration statement such as a while statement. — end note ]
因此如果 *d;
這個 statement 沒問題,那 (*d).fun();
自然沒問題,因此 d->fun();
標準自己用了 indirect through null pointer?
CWG issue#232 是 2004 年發起的 issue,標題內容大大的就打了「Is indirection through a null pointer undefined behavior?」
討論的問題主要是說標準內有些舉例說這是 UB,但又有 well-defined 的例子,造成了歧異
我們現在就來看看這個 well-defined 的例子,要注意的是它被保留下來了,也就是說標準認定 indirection through null pointer 不全為 UB
這邊我一樣取 n4861 的內容,這與當年的 spec 內容不一樣,但沒關係重點沒變:
n4861(expr.typeid#2):When typeid is applied to a glvalue whose type is a polymorphic class type ([class.virtual]), the result refers to a std::type_info object representing the type of the most derived object ([intro.object]) (that is, the dynamic type) to which the glvalue refers. If the glvalue is obtained by applying the unary * operator to a pointer and the pointer is a null pointer value ([basic.compound]), the typeid expression throws an exception ([except.throw]) of a type that would match a handler of type std::bad_typeid exception ([bad.typeid]).
1 |
這個便是標準中給的 well-defined 例子,在這裡我們會 catch 住 std::bad_typeid
進而輸出 bad_exception
這邊 *((A*)0)
為 lvalue expression,根據標準,在 typeid
中它會 evaluated 並導致 std::bad_exception
n4868(expr.typeid#3):When typeid is applied to an expression other than a glvalue of a polymorphic class type, the result refers to a std::type_info object representing the static type of the expression. Lvalue-to-rvalue, array-to-pointer, and function-to-pointer conversions are not applied to the expression. If the expression is a prvalue, the temporary materialization conversion is applied. The expression is an unevaluated operand.
CWG issue#232 的結論
最後這個 issue 討論的結果為
p = 0; *p;
is not inherently an error. An lvalue-to-rvalue conversion would give it undefined behavior.
丟給了 lvalue-to-rvalue 轉換來處理,簡單來講就是沒有真正需要讀值的需求就沒事,用英文來說的話就是指 “The identity of the object is not required”,你不要直接寫 *0
這樣讓它一定要讀值就 ok
對此,CWG issue#315 內明確表示了此處 *d
不會有 lvalue-to-rvalue conversion:
Rationale (October 2003):
We agreed the example should be allowed.p->f()
is rewritten as(*p).f()
according to [expr.ref].*p
is not an error whenp
is null unless the lvalue is converted to an rvalue (7.3.2 [conv.lval]), which it isn’t here.
然而時至今日,CWG issue#232 的結果仍未被整入標準,雖有論文在進行中,裡面更嚴謹的討論了除了這個 issue 以外的狀況(issue 內提出了一個稱為 empty lvalue
的概念,但還未加進標準),但終究是進行中(那篇論文也有一段時間了,過了那麼久感覺是沒審過),因此雖然我們知道應該要是可行的,但目前仍是 UB(一樣 by Implicit Undefined Behavior)
讓我們看看在 CWG issue#232 中提到的 UB 例子:
n4861(dcl.ref#5):There shall be no references to references, no arrays of references, and no pointers to references. The declaration of a reference shall contain an initializer ([dcl.init.ref]) except when the declaration contains an explicit extern specifier ([dcl.stc]), is a class member ([class.mem]) declaration within a class definition, or is the declaration of a parameter or a return type ([dcl.fct]); see [basic.def]. A reference shall be initialized to refer to a valid object or function. [ Note: In particular, a null reference cannot exist in a well-defined program, because the only way to create such a reference would be to bind it to the “object” obtained by indirection through a null pointer, which causes undefined behavior. As described in [class.bit], a reference cannot be bound directly to a bit-field. — end note ]
另外,在 C++98 的 spec 中舉了 dereference null pointer 為 UB 的例子:
n1146(intro.execution#4):Certain other operations are described in this International Standard as undefined (for example, the effect of dereferencing the null pointer). [Note: this International Standard imposes no requirements on the behavior of programs that contain undefined behavior. ]
但這個例子在 2010 CWG issue#1102 討論後被改掉了:
n3337(intro.execution#4):Certain other operations are described in this International Standard as undefined (for example, the effect of attempting to modify a const object). [ Note: This International Standard imposes no requirements on the behavior of programs that contain undefined behavior. — end note ]
issue#1102 中給的理由是
There are core issues surrounding the undefined behavior of dereferencing a null pointer. It appears the intent is that dereferencing is well defined, but using the result of the dereference will yield undefined behavior. This topic is too confused to be the reference example of undefined behavior, or should be stated more precisely if it is to be retained.
所以,雖然這是 2004 年就存在的問題,然而直到現在已經要出 C++26 了,這個問題都還沒解決XD
- Dereference null is not always UB?
- c++ access static members using null pointer
- CWG issue#232
- CWG issue#315
- CWG issue#342
- CWG issue#1102
- What are the rules for a valid dereferencing of a null pointer?
- Implicit Undefined Behavior in C
- X3J11 DR#017
- Is dereference null pointer UB in C++20?
- CWG232 [expr.unary.op] p1 should explicitly specify the behavior if the expression does not refer to the object or function